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kolizej hybrid

school project

Ljubljana, 2016

This location, which lies on the edge of old city tissue and is limited by the inner city road ring, has a huge potential. Where there was an old Kolizej building, now lies a huge empty hole. 
On the one side there is a need for the new "city door", but on the other side there is a calming park, with calls for subtle intervention. High frequent space meets intimate quiet ambient. Our task was to decide which program is the most convenient for this area and how to design the volume of the building itself.

The existing morfology of the city tissue in the area is undefined, mixed and quite caotic. It is the consequence of city growth around the old building of Kolizej. The two new volumes do not follow neither the "kare" niether pointilist urbanism on the location. Two lamellas form their own pattern. One is an answer to the Delavski dom on the North side, and the other hides behind the Church on the South side. Between these two lamellas there is a patch of land, lower than the ground floor (like it was in the past) and serves as a (nostalgic) park. 

The program for these two building is mixed. It comes form the analysis of the location - they need apartments, kindergartens, stores, office spaces, recreational areas and parking lots. That way a hybrid was created, where different programs are not separated horizontally, but gradientally mesh with each other.

In the lower floor, there are parking garages.

In the first foor there are all the public programs.

In the first floors there are office spaces which are rentable. In the highest floors there are different types of apartments, between which recreational and other spaces appear, only to be used by the residents (a pool, movie theatre, daycare etc.). Bigger apartments have gardens, and all the apartments have terraces.

The comunications are arranged vertically on a grid and then horizontally to get to the apartments.

The idea of the kolizej hybrid is to design a "city door" in a way, that the building is "alive" 24/7. 

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